Friday, January 21, 2011

U.S airways...ughhh

U.S airways...ughhh?
Ok well im just letting people know if you have a choice do NOT go this airline...I have never had so much trouble in my life...i was going on a flight from new orleans to charoltte and then a connecting flight from chatolle to greens buro the first flight was horrible to plane kept droping and the landing was rough then when we went to out connecting flight it was 30 mins delayed due to maintaice then after waitin 1 hour they canceled out flight then 4 days lated going back from greens buro to charlotte we got on the plane and they said they couldnt take off for another 30 mins due to mechanial problems..then the flight from charollote back to new orleans was delayed and hour and then the poilet was 20 mins late..not to mention the ticket people where rude as hell i have never been so disapointed in my life...has anyone else ever gotten this with U.S air
Air Travel - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Omg yes i could not agree more..The people on the plane where nice but that's about it...that airline doesn't seem to care that people have priorities to be somewhere at a certain time they have delayed flights and give no reason.And the ticket people where overly rude..and the size of the bag of the peanuts on the plane is on one flight the pilot didn't even seem to know how to fly a plane we where going in circles and he kept dropping the plane..the whole plane was rattling...There is no way i will ever ride that airline again
2 :
i know they are the worse airlines ever. this past february i went to visit my aunt and uncle in phoenix arizona from maine but we went through the manchester airport. i had to be on the plane at 5am in the morning and i didn't get any sleep the night before because i'm terrified of flying. [im 18 year old high school senior] im also nto a morning person. well i get on the plane [this is my 2nd time flying and 1st time alone] and i just want to take off and get the whole ordeal of flying done and over with because the longer i wait the more time i have to be anxious nervous and worry about it. i also didn't want to miss my connecting flight to phoenix from charlotte north carolina [which indeed happen]. well there was freezing rain so we were stuck on the ground untill 12 noon. i was so hungry [they didn't give us food or drinks]. i was so anxious nervous tired and bored which made me cranky and i complained the whole time on the cell phone to my friends. we finally take off after 6-8 hours of being stuck on the plane and arrive to charlotte. i missed my connecting flight to phoenix so i had to get a later flight which they did for me thank god cause i have no clue how to do that at all and am very blonde & confused easily. i was suppose to get to phoenix at 2pm est instead i didn't get there untill midnight est <.<
3 :
They have their high points, but plenty of low ones, also. I remember on one trip to the west coast I was delayed 23 hours in all. And then they lost our luggage =/ But then again, I've gotten many op-ups and had some pleasant flights, too. So I guess it's a hit-or-miss situation, where the two extremes are very good and verrry bad.
4 :
I fly them at least once a week and I've not once experienced anybody being rude, and the only time I've had a delayed flight was when there was 2+ foot snowstorm in Boston and they closed the airport.

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