Sunday, October 14, 2012

Flight Anxiety.....PLEASE HELP!!

Flight Anxiety.....PLEASE HELP!!?
Ok, I'm leaving to New Orleans this Thursday..... The last time I left Alaska was in May. I went to California for a week to visit a friend. I scheduled my trip almost 8 months in advance to prepare myself that I was leaving. Needless to say I balled the whole way there and back... Before my California trip I haven't left the state in over 11 years..... So, My grandfather offered to buy me a ticket to LA to visit family for 10 days... I have like 2 weeks notice and thursday is just around the corner... I freaking out here... I have a 2 1/2 year old who will be staying in AK with his father and the fact that I will be away from him and flying is about to drive me over the edge. Can anyone please give me suggestions to overcome this fear...and anxiety!? I'm going crazy and seriously can't sleep at night... Thank you in advance! Melanie
Aircraft - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Hi I know exactly how you feel up until about a two years ago exactly how you felt up until about a year ago just the sign to the airport would make me sweaty and really nervous and I felt very ill indeed. Then I thought to myself do you realize how much of a fool do you look in front of all these people. So I thought to myself no I will not tolerate this. So what I did is I imagined that upon takeoff I was on the back of a big bird and that I tried to really feel the weightless effect of the aircraft and that really worked. And that worked so well that at school I am doing my G.C.S.E's to be a pilot and I can fly anywhere now and really enjoy myself. Believe me flying is nothing to worry about, try a flying lesson in a light aircraft and then you get a better perspective of what I'm saying. And a lot of people worry about crashes and stuff but too be honest you've got more chance of crashing in your own car on a train for that matter. I hope that this helps in some way.
2 :
I'm so sorry you're going through such a hard time, but I can totally relate. I recently had to fly to China (!) a 15 hour flight, and leave my two kids home with dad. I don't like flying either, so needless to say, I was VERY anxious. I talked to friends about it, and they helped me get through it with words of encouragement, phone calls before take off, and notes to encourage me on the way. It helps to stay busy - read and things like that to make the time pass on the flight. I also notice that I'm more anxious when I'm tired, so try to get some good rest either on the flight or before. (The neck pillows really do help.). However, the MOST helpful thing I rely on is to pray, pray, pray. Hope that helps!
3 :
Okay people, this is a place for talking about aerodynamics and airplane mechanics.......let's try not to fill it up with "words of encouragement" and "phone calls" and whatnot. However, flying is very fun and should be approached as a privilege, not a punishment. My motto to first-time flyers is, you cannot be bored on an airplane unless you are taking a nap. Be prepared for a loud toilet and remember that flying is so much safer than driving, it's not even funny (it's seriously not funny). That's why you CAN get a certain type of pilot's license before you are old enough to get your driver's license. I read your situation and didn't really understand so if I gave you the wrong answer, I'm sorry and won't be offended if you choose someone else's answer as the best answer. Airtrekker5
4 :
You could take something to make you relax, like Tylenoll PM. This way you will be relaxed and possibly sleep the whole flight. You could also ask your doctor to call you in a prescription for Valiumim or Xanax. It really works wonders, espcecally for anxiety. My girlfriend use to freak out, now that she is taking adavan she doesn't mind flying at all. Just remember, it is safer to fly than to drive. I hope you have a great vacation. RELAX and enjoy!!!!!
5 :
Fear of flying - Flying is safer than driving a car: Don't be scared. Try to remain calm. You have anxiety because you feel that you have no control over the flight. Flying commercially is the safest mode of transportation, way safer than driving an automobile, and you do that every day, don't you? If you drive, your chances of dying in a crash during your trip are about 24 times higher than if you go by airplane. Your chances of being in a fatal aircraft accident during your trip is extremely small--about the same as winning the Virginia lottery in seven plays. You hear and read about every single aircraft crash in the news because it is so rare, it makes the news. If you read about every single automobile crash, can you imagine how many newspapers you'd have to receive on your doorstep everyday just to cover that in the US alone? Bring things to read, a snack and your ipod. Try to take a nap or talk to your neighbors. Get up and take walks up and down the aisles. Try to stop worrying about flying. You can medicate yourself before you board, like Nyquil or an OTC sleeping pill, that̢۪s always an option. Flying is very safe and engine failure and plane crashes are actually very rare. Don't stress!
6 :
I have to take you down the other road. Go see your doctor for some anti-anxiety meds, unless of course you feel real self-assured after reading all the posts. Better living through chemistry. I hate to fly, not because I am scared, but, I just hate it.

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