Saturday, July 7, 2012

Flight Simulator X Autopilot not working

Flight Simulator X Autopilot not working?!?!?
I have the Gold addition of FSX. When I use the A320, and I engage the autopilot, it keeps taking me off course. Last time I tried to fly from STL to New Orleans, and it had me going out west. The plane stayed airborne, but it never took me on the flight path. I'm a rookie at all this, so can someone tell me how to set the autopilot that once I get airborne, I can hit it and the plane fly to the destination?
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In the cockpit you need to switch from NVA to GPS Button/Nob or Tog. and it will fly the route. Hitting the heading button will turn to the Heading but you can change the headings, when Needed. FSXNWA@yahoo has a Photo page on how to use the GPS. and put you down the runway.

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