Saturday, November 14, 2009

How much is a flight from lagos nigeria to new orleans louisiana

How much is a flight from lagos nigeria to new orleans louisiana?

Other - Africa & Middle East - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Depends when you fly, how you fly/what class, what airline, how many stops.
2 :
Delta Airlines flies non-stop from Lagos to Atlanta. Search Lagos to New Orleans with the travel dates on: If someone you know only from the Internet wants you to send money to them via Western Union you are being scammed.
3 :
To add to NOLA Guy's email, DO NOT ever send money to anyone for a flight. Don't believe stories that they cannot use Etickets in Nigeria and need you to send money through Western Union - this is what every scammer will tell you and is a complete lie. If you are buying a ticket, buy a fully refundable/cancellable ticket online in the US then send the person the Eticket receipt - NEVER send money If this person is Nigerian you cannot buy them a ticket or they will not get a visa. To be approved for a US visa the applicant needs to prove that they are in legal full time employment, own their own home and show at least 6 months of bank statements showing their money has been legally earned and they have enough money to cover ALL travel expenses without outside assistance - visa, passport, flights, travel insurance, spending money, etc. If you have ever sent this person money through Western Union, even $10 for internet bills, their visa will always be rejected as it shows they are not financially solvent - meaning they are at a huge risk of overstaying, working illegally or attempting to commit marriage fraud to stay in the country without first applying for a K1 fiance visa

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