Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bush planing flight to California at a speed that New Orleans has never seen, despite lg distance, so IRONIC

Bush planing flight to California at a speed that New Orleans has never seen, despite lg distance, so IRONIC ?
When shaking hands after a natural disater becomes top priority... God on Tour all over the states ! Thanks god, California will rebuild like miracles sometimes occurs... When Washington money rains from the sky. 800 billionaires will be deadly helped // At this time.... New Orleans habitants & refugees are still waiting.... they lost jobs, houses, family (1500 dead)
Politics - 19 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Despite what Kanye West said, it isn't that Bush hates black people. He just doesn't care about poor people. These are expensive homes being destroyed, and Bush needs to go show his support for the owners.
2 :
And if he didn't go,you'd be griping about that. So,you are dismissed. Go!
3 :
Are these people sitting in their homes while its burning or did they get the heck out when told to do so? You cant fix stupid.
4 :
He opened up all branches of the Fed to assist, he has done all he can, plus he allowed US troops to fight the fire. Not the Gurad but MArines he has done all he could. I was just worried Russia may attack, when the iron is hot you strike you know.
5 :
This is how it works. The Governor of the state must ASK the US Govt for help and determine it to be a disaster area. Then the US Govt will send needed help. In California's case, Republican Gov Arnold knew enough to do that. He even knew enough to move the school buses, unlike your dimocratic Ray Nagin and his dimocratic Governor of Louisiana. It's simply a matter of those that know, verses those that don't. Hope you feel better now.
6 :
It helps that San Diego and south Orange County are heavily Republican. He's going out to meet the faithful, not "Loser Democrats" like there were so many of in New Orleans. Plus Louisiana's governor was a Democrat so he automatically disrespected her. This President and his administration even feel lives and homes are something to be bargained for on the political chessboard. If Arnold was a Democrat, or parts of the city of Los Angeles had burned, especially the poor parts, I don't think we'd see Chertoff or Bush come visit us. That's fine with me! He's just using it for another photo op anyway!
7 :
He's trying to make up for the HUGE screw-up in New Orleans, which severely damaged the reputation of his administration. Even the Pentagon is reacting to Bush's screw up by training a small force of US Marines to fight fires of all things.
8 :
The federal response procedure is not that much different. The distinction is that there is a governmental point of contact on the scene in San Diego that can actually lay claim to having a brain. The point of contact in New Orleans, Ray Nagin, chose to hold up in a hotel and when he finnaly got hold of a phone that worked, dialed up a radio call in show and said, while the storm was still raging: "Somebody better get off their a s s and do something". Good plan Ray. We're all very proud of you.
9 :
When there's a disaster,I'm not waiting for someone to come get me,I'm outta there at warp speed. Survival of the fittest. Harsh,but true.
10 :
Exactly what Liberty said. Plus, I guess Bushie didn't have a vacation planned at this time...perhaps he had nothing "better" to do.
11 :
Are you kidding? Orange County is neo-con territory and for some reason has been since all the refugees moved there from Vietnam, and were set up in business by the reagan administration. arnold got 60% of his votes from the Inland Empire also, so is it any wonder that bush will be there in record time so he can kiss some "babies"? .
12 :
If you're expecting me to just throw up my hands and admit that Bush likes rich white Californians better than he likes poor Louisiana blacks, well, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not going to do it, because it's not true and you can't make it true just because you want to create some new shortcoming in the President. What I will tell you is that California is a Bush-bashing state, and a good lot of Californians who are being aided by the Bush administration hate Bush just as bad as you do. What I'll also tell you is that not everyone being affected by these fires is some rich, old, white Republican. What I'll tell you as well is that the California state government is not as clueless as the Louisiana state government and the New Orleans municipal government were as to what the proper channels are to solicit help from the federal government and from neighboring state governments. Not only that, but the Forest Service can fight a fire. There isn't some Ocean Service that can fight a hurricane. They are two very different disasters. Handfuls of homes in Calif. were lost because the fire was moving so fast that it was dangerous to human life to put guys in the way of the flames, but hundreds more were saved by dedicated firefighters. So if the President hadn't gotten help into California, would you be b!tching about that instead of b!tching about him getting help in? The man's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. I tried to type this slowly, because I know you probably don't read very fast, if you're ignorant enough to genuinely believe your own B.S.
13 :
Socal is much more affluent than Nawlins. He's pandering to his base.
14 :
This is part of Bush's Leave No Millionaire Behind campaign.
15 :
I think he learned from his mistake.
16 :
It is good PR to try and save what little decent legacy Bush may have left he wants to be seen doing the right thing. Don't forget many multi-million dollar homes were caught up in the fire unlike New Orleans where mostly poor people were affected. Also San Diego County generally votes Republican. So it is no surprise Bush rushes to visit So Cal. in their desaster and not New Orleans.
17 :
Bush is showing his true conservative compassion gives him an opportunity to do some campaigning with those wealthy Republicans in southern California.
18 :
you've got some very good answers, but I doubt you will pick any of them as best answer. Sway_27 said it all YOU CANT FIX STUPID, so what would you have the U.S. federal government do for New Orleans? I for one will never forget watching the TV how sad I was to see all those people on top of their houses and stuck in that stadium with out food or clean water to drink it was heart braking. but if the President had taken over in the very beginning and demanded that the people leave new Orleans you all would have reminded him that he was not in charge of new Orleans, and you would have been right it is the city of new Orleans that is in charge of new Orleans and if they cant help them self it is then when the state of Louisiana would take over. by the time that our federal government had been notified that the local government could not and did not do their job it was in such devastation that the help couldn't get in, in a speedy way. now that the U.S. government is throwing as much money at the problems in New Orleans as the state of California is throwing water at the fires why is new Orleans not getting any better? I have heard all about the poor people who didn't have gas money to get out of new Orleans and I did feel very sorry for them but on the other hand I was watching the mess on TV and there was a young man about 24 maybe a little older and he was ranting and raving about how he didn't have money to get out of new Orleans because his check hadn't come in. the thing that struck me was the bling that hung around his neck, WOW all my necklaces' together wouldn't add up to that. it is a little hard for me to continue to feel sorry for people that wont even try to help them self
19 :
Before Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans the state of Florida was hit with 4 Hurricanes back to back and Bush never even bothered to make an appearance there and Florida didn't receive any Government aide to rebuild the devastation caused by the Hurricanes. So why are you people still crying and whining about New Orleans? What's so special about what happened there that didn't happen to Florida when both places suffered the same catastrophe? So now whenever Bush responds to a natural disaster we have to hear more complaining about New Orleans from you people that just won't let it go? Besides if the people of New Orleans had evacuated like the people in Florida they wouldn't have had to hide out in the Super Dome completely destroying it from violence and vandalism. Some people want to portray themselves as victims and helpless poor people and won't stop at nothing to see that that title remains with them through thick and thin. Give it a rest OK? I'm tired of hearing about New Orleans and how Bush didn't respond in a timely manner. He didn't respond to Florida at all.

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