Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why's there still racism against black people in New Orleans

Why's there still racism against black people in New Orleans?
The racial discrimination against black people in New Orleans has a very long and relentless history. It is brutal how white people treated black people in this city, and we wonder why black people were angered during Katrina. 1) New Orleans started off as the worst of the worst centers for the slave trade in the US South. --------- Almost as much money as agriculture itself was made in New Orleans in the capturing and selling of black people. However, black people in this city overcame this and they made a life for themselves in New Orleans, and they strived to build the city together in unity with the very people who hindered them. 2) The White Southern Democrats known as the "redeemers" took control of New Orleans just when it was on the road to being an integrated city with little to no gap in income or education between races. ----------------The white Democrats resegregated the city all over again, under the pretext of "Separate But Equal" but in reality it was UNEQUAL and black people got de-educated, denied health, living, education, forced to live in the ghetto that would ultimately find itself in poverty because of immorality in the works of the racist politicians. Black people still tried to put this system behind and befriend their neighbors, ALL their neighbors, ALL racial make-ups. 3) The black people united together once again, recruited their most educated representatives, a man named Plessey, and he tested the relations and waters by simply riding in a bus next to a white brother/neighbor, and was arrested and the US Supreme Court ruled in Plessey VS. Ferguson that his brutal capture and arrest was constitutional under Separate but Equal. 4) Years and years of denied opportunities, denied equality, denied basic rights, parades of white knights and ku klux klan, ------burning of black churches, beating of their children, poverty and hunger, no justice, and then any retailiation is called "crime" as if crime is just genetic, it just somehow *magically* turned into a criminal city. 5) Finally 1960 comes around and the Civil Rights Movement is so nationwide and in the youth that New Orleans is at the pressure of the Federal level to de-segregate eventhough its own black people 117 years earlier proved desegregation was working, before it was taken away from them. After a bitter fight and a civilian revolution, New Orleans was finally desegregated. 6) In immediate response, the white pro-segregationist population FLED the city called "white flight", closing all jobs and creating a situation whereby the entire infrastructure of the city ran away with the privileged class, leaving the city in shambles and poverty, keeping the old segregation in place and the sense of unwant and neglect. 7) This still did not deter black people to revitalize New Orleans, bring back the roots of the city, the Cajun French Quarter, the tourism, Boubon street, the 'House of the Rising Sun', Blues, Jazz, all African American influenced, all without the very people who denied them everything. 8) The end result was despite the poverty, despite the relentless racism, despite EVERYTHING, New Orleans was alive on a thin thread, able to grow and barely get by, that is, unless a major hurricane should test the waters. No government state, local, or federal, or emergency management, was all too interested in helping protect the surivors of this city by modifying the levees. 9) Hurricane Katrina comes, the very same black people who were ignored, ignored one final time, left to die in flood waters, 1,000 of them killed, hundreds of thousands of them left homeless, an irresponsive emergency mgmt. 10) 4 years later, wealthy New Orleans folks from the burbs relocate to surrounding cities. They well were able to afford evacuation plans, they are re-employed in Dallas, San Antonio, Atlanta, Memphis. The local inhabitants who are still living in trailers are told to shut up. They are told the hurricane is over and ALL the centuries of endless racism have ended in 2 years time. When will the racism in New Orleans and the unequal wealth conditions finally end? When??? The thing people don't account for is how much invisible hatred AND visible hatred shaped the conditions for CENTURIES that gave way to a culture of violent crime. The violent crime is simply a more conspicuous form of the "INVISIBLE immorality that denied opportunity to thrive any other way but to rob and steel and loot". Black people never were racist until they were segregated, what do you expect? The divisions were planted. The scars are irreversible.
Politics - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
there is racism against all peoples everywhere.
2 :
It's not just New Orleans. It happens all over the country and it will never end as long as people like the first answerer exist. Texas takes it to the next level. They're still talking about secession and fighting the civil war here.
3 :
New Orleans is the poster child to send the message to all the cities of the world not to let blacks in. The first answer has it right ;)
4 :
Ask Mayor Niggins.
5 :
I thought there was a chocolate city down there. Excuses are like a$$holes, perhaps man up and address your problems like Bill Cosby suggests you do insead of blaming the action of ppl 100's of years ago for your crime rate. Black ppl have got to be some of the most racist ppl on earth, how in the hell can you justify an all black city and then call racisim? And maybe think about twice about living in a coastal city that is under sea level in the middle of a hurricane zone. I mean how dumb are you ppl? Yea I said "you ppl" its not racist , get over yourself.
6 :
Nobody "liberated" a plasma TV because grandpa had it rough. Why must some people continue to offer excuses for behavior which is inexcusable?
7 :
Racism goes both ways, and blacks are by far the most racist group of people ever.
8 :
the person that asked this question should do as much truthfully research on the negative effect of Integration of blacks versus the positive effect, crime has a black face look around and see , the race card is used when its to their favor, what minority does the majority of ill behavior, this can go on and on.its sad, other races don"t have this problem, the 9th ward was where crime was most active, to this day crime is being committed still at the 9tward and new orleans east just check out nola.com and read the news, I know I am a katrina evacuee lived in new orleans all my life.
9 :
Not everyone who died in the area was black. Are you forgetting St Bernard parish, which was mostly white? And there were many whites in the east and other areas.
10 :
Because some white people in the south can't get over themselves

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