Friday, January 7, 2011

Do you think Hurricane Gustav will hit New Orleans this Friday

Do you think Hurricane Gustav will hit New Orleans this Friday? ?
I am in the US Marine Corps, and was scheduled to go back home to MD to see my son, but my Flight is scheduled for Thursday Night. I was told if the Hurricane hits New Orleans by Friday. I cant go home!!
New Orleans - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I doubt it will maybe texas
2 :
Gustav's projected path is such that it could make landfall anywhere from western Florida to southern Texas:
3 :
That sucks I wouldn't get too concerned yet, though... a lot can happen in the next couple of days. Hopefully things will work out for you :)
4 : not Friday, but Monday is looking pretty on target. It can change. Look at the 5 day cone
5 :
It should not be in New Orleans until Sunday or Monday! **EDIT** As of this morning the path has shifted towards the west but still should not make landfall until Monday or Tuesday now.
6 :
It's not scheduled to hit landfall until Monday or Tuesday, but I'd keep an eye on it in case it makes a sudden, drastic change in direction. There's a great section of links for tracking Gustav on It has links to the projected path of the storm, National Hurricane Center coverage, local TV and newspaper coverage, live webcams, and other Gustav stuff.
7 :
I just got done looking at the weather channel and there are so many possibilities. The middle of the cone is their best guess at this current time and it has new orleans in the middle of it. They said it will become a cat. 3 by the time it enters the gulf and could be a cat. 4 or 5 by the time it makes landfall. If it hits NO it would not be until monday or tuesday. The mayor of New Orleans has consider evacuations as early as friday if it is going in that direction. The govenor of Loisiana has said he may issue a state of emergency thursday evening. Hope it works out for you.
8 :
Dude I am in the same situation as you but as important Im susposed to be leaving sunday for a boarding school in New York but i am really wondering if the airport is going to close before that.
9 :
Bobby Jindal has already declared a state of emergency and people around here are getting prepared. Walmart is competely out of bread and other necessities. Most people, myself included, have filled up gas cans as well because the oil rigs in the gulf have been shut down. Just so ya know.... thats whats going on down here.
10 :
no it is going to hit on tuesday morning. u can keep track of the Storm by this website. i look at this website every day durring hurricane season!!

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